Why No One Listens When The CDC Says ‘Don’t Go To Europe’

When the CDC says “Don’t Go To Europe” it is of course not to be followed. The CDC has no power over international travel, but they warn people of the dangers inherent in traveling abroad so that they may take precautionary measures and stay safe

The “cdc solve the outbreak answer key” is a blog that discusses why no one listens when the CDC says, “Don’t go to Europe.”. The author of the blog argues that people are not listening because they are too busy watching Netflix.



Why Doesn’t Anyone Pay Attention When The CDC Says “Don’t Go To Europe”?

on November 23, 2021 by Gary Leff

In addition to Austria, the United Kingdom, and other countries of Western Europe, the CDC advises Americans to “avoid travel” to Germany and Denmark. No one is paying attention. The CDC is to blame for this. We haven’t failed the guideline; rather, we have failed the guidance.

Let’s take a look at a travel warning for Germany.

  • The advice is valid for anybody traveling anywhere in the nation.
  • That implies that whether you’ve been vaccinated or not, and whether you’ve been boosted or not, the advice remains the same.
  • It’s the same for those under the age of 50 and those beyond the age of 80.
  • And it’s a warning that applies to the whole country of Germany, with the largest prevalence in the former East Germany (and the easternmost part of the former West Germany)

These suggestions are just too harsh to be of any service. They’re also untrustworthy since danger levels vary depending on who’s traveling and where they’re going. While public health professionals whistle in the wind, transatlantic flights are crowded – transporting people in both ways.

For political correctness, the Director of the National Institutes of Health postponed vaccination testing, requesting that Moderna balance out its clinical trials using racial categories that had no scientific foundation for determining effectiveness. The delay in the provision of the Moderna vaccination cost lives. Indeed, since Covid-19 was spreading most quickly among minorities at the time, it was exactly their lives that were most at danger from the delay.

Eric Topol was one of the most valuable voices during the epidemic, but he managed to postpone Pfizer data until after the presidential election, delaying approval of the vaccine and so costing lives.

Doctors may lawfully give Ivermectin, which does not work, but not Paxlovid, which has been demonstrated in a phase 3 clinical study to minimize hospitalization by 89 percent when taken within 3 days of symptom start.

Early in the epidemic, the FDA prohibited testing and only allowed the use of a CDC test that failed. While the situation is significantly better than it was a year ago, the United States still lacks widespread, low-cost self-tests that would enable individuals to know when they’re contagious — every day, before interacting with others.

In the United States, we’ve even done social separation backwards. And when it comes to boosters, public health has already said that it is more important to vaccinate the world (while allowing an eight figure number of doses to expire in the United States) and focus on the unvaccinated than to allow boosters… As a result, we find ourselves days away from Thanksgiving festivities without a cohesive boosting message like Israel’s.

As a result, most Americans seem to disregard professional counsel. Vaccines have somehow become political, with too many individuals refusing to receive one as a method of shaming elites and their ‘betters,’ who seem to get everything wrong. That is a pity. And warning anyone under the age of 50 not to go to Europe is a waste of credibility.

More From the Wing’s Perspective

Sticky caramelized figs cooked into a lovely orange-scented cake in this Caramelized Fig Upside Down Cake.


Greetings, September! We can’t wait for you to arrive!

Rebe and I moved into a new apartment in Boston yesterday. I’m fatigued and worn out today. But, after three months of limbo in my mother’s home, the limbo is finally ended, and I’ll be in my own place for at least another year.

OK, based on the fact that we’re on the fourth level, maybe two years. 

Even though I’ve been out of college for three years, September still seems like a new year to me. It’s a period of transition and change, as well as the start of a lot of new things.

It’s like the start of autumn baking, which is one of my absolute favorites!


Cheryl Malik of 40 Aprons, one of my great blogging pals, has a fresh beginning as well. Cheryl is expecting her first child, a son. She’ll give birth to Leo at the end of the month. As a result, a group of bloggers is throwing a virtual baby shower.

I’m honored to be a part of Cheryl and Leo’s celebration. Cheryl is one of those persons who immediately puts you in a good mood. She’s a fantastic writer as well as a wonderful comedian. If you haven’t already, you should subscribe to her blog.

So, Cheryl, I congratulate you. You’ll make an incredible mommy!

Is it possible to turn this into a genuine baby shower? Because what these other females brought to the table has piqued my interest:

Culinary Couture’s healthier Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Lactation Cookies

Heavenly Home Cooking’s Panini Bites

Bakerita’s Mini Lemon Blueberry Bundt Cakes

Simply Whisked’s Mojito Fruit Salad

Flavor the Moments’ Mini Cookies & Cream Pumpkin Cheesecakes

Thistle Key Lane’s Baby Carrot and Apple Soup

Jessica in the Kitchen’s Flourless Pumpkin Pancakes

Vanilla And Bean’s Blueberry Lemon-Thyme Cornmeal Crisp


Now, let’s talk about this fig dessert. It’s the real deal. Warm, sticky figs cooked into a silky orange cake.

Pineapples, step aside. In town, there’s a new upside down.

Follow Broma on these social media platforms to stay up to speed on all she’s doing:

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  • Sarah Fennel is the author of this piece.
  • 15-minute prep time
  • 1 hour to prepare
  • 1 hour 15 minutes total
  • Sarah Fennel is the author of this piece.
  • 15-minute prep time
  • 1 hour to prepare
  • 1 hour 15 minutes total



  • Sarah Fennel is the author of this piece.
  • 15-minute prep time
  • 1 hour to prepare
  • 1 hour 15 minutes total


When it comes to the upside down part,

  • 6 teaspoons melted butter
  • 2/3 cup brown sugar (light/medium)
  • 12 figs, split lengthwise in half

To make the cake

  • room temperature 1/2 cup salted butter
  • 2/3 cup sugar, granulated
  • 1/3 cup brown sugar (light/medium)
  • 2 big room-temperature eggs
  • a half-cup of sour cream
  • a quarter cup of whole milk
  • vanilla extract (two tablespoons)
  • 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon zest of orange
  • 2 tablespoons powdered baking soda
  • a half teaspoon of salt


  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Butter the sides and bottom of a springform pan.
  2. Into the pan, pour the melted butter. Brown sugar should be evenly distributed. Place the figs cut side down in the pan, starting in the centre and working outwards, producing concentric rings of figs. Remove from the equation.
  3. Cream the butter and sugars in a standing mixer equipped with a paddle attachment until light and fluffy. In a separate bowl, whisk together the eggs, sour cream, whole milk, and vanilla extract.
  4. Combine flour, orange zest, baking powder, and salt in a separate basin. Slowly stir the dry ingredients into the wet until they are barely mixed.
  5. Bake for 1 hour, spreading the batter evenly over the figs. Allow at least 10 minutes for cooling before inverting into a cake pan. Devour!


James William Johnson

Jimmy Johnson quotes: the pigskin pro on success, control, maxing and relaxing, and more.

“When you achieve success, everyone benefits. Great sentiments for one another and acknowledgement of one another’s achievements come with success and glory.”

“Would you choose to stay safe and decent, or take a risk and be great?”

“It’s that little extra that makes the difference between ordinary and amazing.”

“Fear is the most powerful motivator.” Fear of disappointing your coworkers, getting reprimanded, or losing your job.”

“Effort plus a positive mindset equals performance.” Everyone is born with abilities and talents. That is beyond our control. Our attitude and effort are the only things we have control over. What I do know is that if you keep a good mindset and put up a significant effort, your performance will increase. “Each and every time.”

“It’s an excellent gut check.” You’ll notice if your attitude is deteriorating. If you’re sinking into negativity, you’ll notice it. If you’re feeling sluggish, you’ll know. You may change it by taking into account your circumstances. You have the ability to recall your blessings. You have the option of expressing thanks. You have the ability to change your mind. This isn’t something that happens from the outside. It’s a covert operation.”

“You have control over your effort as well. You can only offer what you need to get by. You may deceive coworkers and superiors. You are free to take a day off. When your effort falls short, you’re usually the only one who notices.”

“How you employ stumbling blocks vs stepping stones is the difference.”

“Making a mistake twice does not make it right.”

“It’s not how many fantastic plays you make; it’s how few poor ones you make,” I always say.

“You can only win if you’re in terrific form and aren’t out of breath at the conclusion of the game.” When you look across the room and see that person hanging down, you know he’s a coward.”

“Fatigue turns us all into cowards.” “Don’t become too fatigued.”

“We had a lot of success in high school. We were undefeated national champs in college, so I was always surrounded by success, and the more you’re around it and see all the nice things that happen, the more you want more of it. The more success you have, I believe, the more competitive you become. It’s almost as if it were a narcotic. Because that’s what I’m used to, I was pushed to win it all.”

“You’ll discover that life, like football, is a game of inches.” Because the margin for mistake is so narrow in either life or football. You don’t quite make it if you’re a half-step too late or too early. You don’t quite catch it if you take a half-step too slow or too quickly. The inches we need are all around us. Every minute, every second of the game, they’re there.”

“If I grab a 24 and place it right up here on this stage and say, ‘I want you to walk across this 24,’ the first thing that comes to mind is that you’ll walk from one end to the other.” It’s not a huge deal. What are you going to do if I take that 24 and raise it 10 feet and tell you to “walk one end to the other?” ‘Don’t fall, don’t fall, don’t fall,’ you’ll tell yourself. You’ll fall if you have the notion in your head that you’re going to fall! You’re going to win the game if you walk that 24. It’s not 10 feet high; it’s on the ground.”

“Above all, an objective truth and independent reason are dreaded.”

“Provide enough direction for folks to make the choices you want them to make.” Encourage them to do what is best rather than telling them what to do.”

“Treat people as they are, and they will stay that way.” Treat him like the person he might be, and he’ll grow into the person he should be.”

“The only thing worse than a coach or CEO who doesn’t care about his employees is one who acts as if they do.” A fake may always be detected.”

“Instill in your employees the belief that if they don’t perform their part, the task won’t be done.” Also, let them know that if they achieve anything, they will be recognized.”

“Rather than obsessing over Xs and Os, the head coach’s time should be spent ensuring that everyone in the organization – from the starting quarterback to the water boy – is motivated to do their absolute best, and that such motivation is achieved by the coach personally and repeatedly thanking each individual for their contribution to the overall cause.” “Success can only be accomplished if every single employee in the company is working to their full potential.”

“I believe it boils down to accountability.” I was in charge of our football team’s success, and in some respects, I was in charge of the millions of people who were watching us. That’s why I was a pain in the neck.”

“When you’ve experienced success, you have to be the hammer.”

“Military commanders aren’t born, they’re bred.” They come into being. You must have something in your character that causes others to follow you to be a successful leader.”

“But I’ve always been a bit of a wanderer.” I spent five years at Oklahoma State, five years at Miami (when I won the national title) before moving on, and five years with the Cowboys. As a result, I was prepared to move on. We won back-to-back Super Bowls, and I felt like I achieved all I set out to do.”

“The most important thing is that I wouldn’t leave here,” he says of his house in the Florida Keys. I’d completed my run. My day was spent in the sun. It was enjoyable for me. Every location I’ve ever coached, I’m proud of what I’ve been able to accomplish. I’m happiest at home since I travel so much on Fox NFL Sunday. It’s a way of life. There is no tension. Margaritaville is a song by Jimmy Buffett about it. The good life, stress-free. It’s where I’m going to die.”

“I didn’t stop working too soon.” I was all set to depart. Because here is where I wanted to be, the Keys had a big role in my decision to leave football.”

“I want to be out there relaxing, writing maybe five or six lines, cracking up a Heineken Light, and just chilling.” That’s the first thing I’m going to do.”

“Most people believe they know who I am. That’s how I like it to be. Allow them to ponder. But I can’t truly let folks know who I am. I don’t want someone to ever know enough about me to be able to anticipate what I’ll do. That way, I’m always in command.”

“Just keep one thing in mind. I could not have arrived at this stage in my life any other way than by living it the way I did. And, like anything else, there’s a cost.”

“I’m not able to confirm any reports.” “I’m content with what I’m doing.”

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