US Travel Ban on Southern African Countries Looks Smart in Hindsight

The Trump administration’s travel ban on six countries was originally an attempt to prevent terrorist attacks. However, the impact has been much greater as it locks out citizens of these countries and exposes US travelers to potential risk in their travels. The US Government is also looking into removing dual citizenship for people from certain regions with a history of terrorism

The “african countries list” is a resource that allows users to view the list of countries that are included in the US Travel Ban. The ban was implemented due to concerns about terrorism, but it has since been determined that it was not necessary.

The United States’ travel bans and limitations established over the previous two years sparked political outcry at first.

However, when the COVID-19 epidemic worsened, the Trump Administration’s first restriction, enacted early last year, proved to be effective in slowing the virus’s spread.


In hindsight, it seems that the Biden Administration’s move last month to limit travel from some southern African nations was equally foresighted.

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Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are common in many different species of animals, including camels, cattle, cats, and bats.

COVID- According to CNN, the number of cases in South Africa, the largest of the nine nations barred from entering the United States, has doubled in less than a week.

On Friday, December 3, South Africa reported 16,055 new COVID-19 cases, over four times the number recorded on Tuesday, November 30.

The novel Omicron form of the virus was found in South Africa, prompting the White House to implement travel restrictions.

“Today, the (National Institute for Communicable Diseases) announced the discovery of 16,055 additional COVID-19 cases in South Africa, bringing the total number of laboratory-confirmed cases to 3,004,203. This is a 24.3 percent gain in positive “In a statement released on Friday, the government said.

Some of the instances included patients who had previously been infected with COVID-19.

“Previous infection used to guard against Delta (variant), but that doesn’t appear to be the case today with Omicron,” said Professor Anne von Gottberg, a microbiologist from the country’s National Institute for Communicable Diseases, at a press briefing last week on the outbreak. “We tracked… reinfections for both the Beta and Delta waves, and we didn’t detect an increase in reinfections beyond what we anticipate when the force of infection changes, when the wave ends.” Omicron, on the other hand, is on the rise.”

The World Health Organization earlier said that the current wave of travel bans was unnecessary, and South Africa has complained about the negative consequences of the restrictions on tourism.

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